MOOV Software
cloud based software for vehicle access control

Dedicated access control modules
The MOOV Software consists of dedicated modules that provide advanced options for various vehicle access control applications.
Basic MOOV software
Hosted software module for vehicle access control to manage access rights, credentials and graphical status information. Includes extensive event logs. This module can also be used to extend advance booking systems with physical access control barriers. Optional extensions are available
Multi-tenant parking
Purpose built module to manage vehicle access control for office buildings, corporate sites & residential parking areas with multiple tenants. The capacity allocated to specific tenants can be determined and monitored. When the capacity is utilized fully, access is denied. The administration functionality enables management of the number of tenants as also the registration of tenants, counting groups, management of visitor templates and search functions.
City access module
Specific module for vehicle access control in cities. Includes the ability to view and manage access rights and redemptions, credentials, graphical status information and extensive event logs. Enables automatic synchronization with the MOOV controllers to enable them to operate standalone when offline.