SENSIT Display
display for parking guidance

The SENSIT Display enables the visualization of available parking spaces for stand-alone parking guidance installations. The display is designed for outdoor use, indicating the number of available parking spaces per parking lot making it easy to guide motorists to an available parking space.
Parking navigation
Availability of parking spaces can be indicated per zone for the specific zones that the SENSIT Display is allocated to. Basic configuration (standard included) of the display can be realized using the SENSIT Display web interface. Advanced configuration settings can be realized using the optional SENSIT Display Option in the SENSIT Interface Software.
Key Features
✓ LED display for outdoor use, single sided
✓ automatic regulated luminance
✓ TCP/IP connection to REST and SENSIT Interface Software
✓ Power over Ethernet (PoE+)
✓ advanced configuration settings using the SENSIT Display Option